
Czibulka János

Kőhegyi menedékház

mountain hostel


Reservation form



    Hostel opening hours

    We accomodate guests on every day of the year, including public holidays, expect Christmas and New Year’s period. The reservation of the rooms can be made only via our homepage, by filling and sending the reservation form.

    If your check-in is planned in 48 hours, above sending an email or online reservation, please alert us via telephone!


    During Chirtmas and New Year’s period the hostel is closed!


    Reservation process

    The reservation of the rooms can be made only via our homepage, by filling and sending the reservation form. The reservations will be confirmed in 24 hours on weekdays. In our reply we send you the necessary information about the transfer of the reservation fee, we discuss catering and other details. The reservation will be valid when the reservation fee is transferred. In case of cancelled reservation the reservation fee can not be refund.

    If your check-in is planned in 48 hours, above sending an email or online reservation, please alert us via telephone!


    Accomodation fee

    Accomadtion fee:

    Bed: 6000 HUF / person / night (with sleeping bag)

    Sheets: 3000 HUF / person / occasion

    For children under the age of 6 the accomodation is free.


    On the first floor we have 4 rooms with 4 beds and one room with 8 beds, 24 beds all together. The beds are bunk-beds. In case of bigger groups, we can increase our capacity up to 28-30 person by additional mattreses. We have showers and toilets on the floor. Concerning about our policies and some practical point of view please read our guidelines on the link below:


    Buy a gift

    If you are looking for an astonishing and memorable gift for a person that you like, you are at right place at the right time!  You can by a coupon for one or more person that entitles she/he/them to sleep and/or to eat and drink here. You only have to send us an email with the subject ‘coupon’  to our email adress, and will send you all the necesary information in our reply. The coupon can include accommodation or catering, or the combination of both, as you prefer. In case of order, we send you a registered coupon in pdf format, you can print it on your own. The coupon becomes valid when the fee agreed is tranferred to our bank account.




    Every day 10:00-18:00


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